Today salmon fishing continues to be a fundamental activity for the economy of our region. Fishermen continue to come to the council since March to enjoy the wealth of fish in the Asturian rivers.
The Principality of Asturias has sixty-three salmon reserves and forty-four trout reserves distributed throughout its geography, from the Eo basin to the Cares-Deva basin.
The Eo River, for its part, has fifteen salmon reserves, of which eleven border Galicia and, therefore, are under shared jurisdiction – and four cross the Asturian territory through the council of San Tirso de Abres. In addition, the Eo has a small stretch free of fishing.
The San Tirso bridge reserve was declared a no-kill fishing reserve in 2001, so catches made there during the season from a certain day onwards must be returned to the river alive.< /p>
The Campanu
The Campanu is a tradition that consists of the first salmon that is caught of the season in each of the Asturian rivers, so that there is an absolute Campanu for all the rivers in the region and a particular one for each river.< br>In addition, the campanu auction is the only exception to the prohibition on the sale of pieces captured in Asturian rivers.
The origin of the name is not really known, although there are several popular interpretations, the most widespread being the one that associates it with the bell towers of the churches or chapels that are closest to the Asturian rivers.
The City Council of San Tirso de Abres, to give greater prominence to the heavier salmon caught established in 1998 the “Golden Salmon” award, which consists of a gold brooch that is given to the fisherman who has taken the heaviest salmon of the season in the Eo River.
Campanu Asturias 2023
This year the ‘campanu’ of Asturias was given by the Sella River, and it was a 3,250 kilo salmon caught by fisherman José Luis Vega.
The specimen is 72 centimeters long and was captured around 8:10 a.m. in the El Águila well, near the town of Villanueva, in Cangas de Onís.
Its capture was with natural bait, and it took only eight or nine minutes to remove the salmon from the river.
This ‘campanu’ was caught on the first business day of the salmon season with death. The season ended on July 15, and had a quota of one specimen per fisherman per day and a maximum of two pieces per license per season.
The El Campanu group, with restaurants in Ribadesella and Gijón, has paid 9,200 euros to take over the ‘campanu’ of 2023
Campanu river Eo 2023
Since the beginning of the season, two long months of waiting have passed until the Campanu del Río Eo has been captured in one of the Asturian sections.
The lucky fisherman was Sergio García Cotallo from Tapia de Casariego in the Coto de Gonzalvo. The fish, a female, bit the fly at 7:15 a.m. and weighed 5,100 kilos and measured 75 centimeters long by 41 centimeters in diameter, which was controlled in the Xesteira precinct.
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