actividades en el camping

At La Casona de Amaido we are committed to the conservation of biodiversity and local development in the Oscos Eo Region and the Río Eo, Oscos and Terras de Burón Biosphere Reserve. To achieve this, we carry out various actions, among which the following stand out:

Food products from km 0

We make use of the resources that our farm provides, such as lemons, kiwis, garden, lettuce, potatoes, onions, zucchini, peppers, cabbage,… aromatic and fruit plants. The objective is to offer 0 KM and seasonal products.

In our breakfast service we use local and homemade products as much as possible and also, whenever we can, products from our own garden.

  • Aerators in faucets
  • Tankers with double discharge dischargers.
  • Recovery of rainwater at home for watering pots
  • LED bulbs throughout the house
  • Auto ignition bulbs
  • We disconnect electricity and electrical appliances in the low season in the rooms and common areas of the house.
  • We use the dishwasher with a full load.
  • Always print using “black and white” whenever possible
  • We use electronic format whenever possible, rather than printed documents.
  • We print only final documents, to the extent possible.
  • We use double-sided printing when it is an internal document.
  • We reuse used paper on one side for drafts, notes and other uses.
  • We make soap with recycled oil or pork fat.
  • We limit the use of pesticides and herbicides, and encourage sustainable gardening practices that respect local biodiversity.

  • We change the oil used for ecological cleaning products.

  • We explain where we are and the importance of respect for Nature and why, offering complementary tourist information and recommending local companies, with the aim of promoting local development and promoting the economy of the area.
  • Library with books from the area and biodiversity, writers from the region.
  • We actively participate in initiatives with activities of local and regional associations. We work collaboratively to promote local development, promote sustainable tourism and strengthen the economy of the area.
  • We support local and smaller-scale service providers, such as bakers, fruit sellers and cooperatives, generating synergies that allow them to prosper their small businesses and contribute significantly to the local economy.
  • We provide information about companies that offer ecotourism activities and experiences that allow clients to enjoy nature responsibly
  • Through sustainable actions carried out in our rooms, and using a sustainable option for our toilets, changing soap dispensers and paper and toilet paper dispensers, hand and kitchen paper for recycling material options, which involve the use less product and less water.
  • Prioritize returnable containers over non-returnable ones.
  • Promote the reduction of consumption of disposable products and encourage the use of reusable or recyclable containers and packaging.
  • Reduction of the carbon footprint with the planting of native trees, the regeneration of the Amaido forest once planted with eucalyptus and we are transforming it into a natural forest, made up of a native riverside forest, flora and fauna is another contribution for the council, the region and the reserve.
  • We take care of the nature that surrounds us, respecting native vegetation and trees.
  • We carry out a policy of waste reduction, reuse and recycling of paper, glass, plastics, oil and compost for the garden.
  • Nests in apple orchards

Good practices manual

We are very aware of the need to care for and respect our environment, behave correctly in order to conserve natural and sociocultural resources, ensuring that our activity causes the least possible impact.

For this reason, Amaido’s clients are an important part of the development of tourism activity, this makes them a clear objective in awareness campaigns, directing information on good practices towards them, involving them directly is achieved. good resource management.